Does The Thought Of Writing Another WORD Makes You Cringe?

"Ex-Ghostwriter, Now CEO, Reveals
A 400 Word Article In 7 Minutes Flat
Including Research And Proofreading
... And How To Enjoy Every Minute Of It!"

Learn Insider, Writers Guild Level Tricks -
Finally Accessible To NON WRITERS!

Dear Fellow Article Writer,

Have you ever wondered why on earth people recommend ghostwriting as an "easy" way to make money?

Or how are you supposed to generate any amount of traffic if you don't possess the writing skills of Mr. King himself?

Thing is... if you have already tried writing articles - then you know that...

... writing good quality articles that have a fighting chance after the last Google update takes a lot of time, fear, pain and frustration.

It doesn't matter if you're writing for yourself or ghostwriting for others.

"Does Any Of This Sound Familiar?"

Writing an article if you don't have a system in place is almost physically painful - and if you're getting paid $5 per article like most beginning writers, you have to write at least 25 articles EACH DAY to get a decent pay.

You spend countless hours sitting in front of your computer researching, writing and proofreading. Each article seems to take longer and longer, because you're getting tired.

It's almost feels like you're dragging your feet through the sand, but stopping is NOT an option!

It doesn't have to be like that.

What if I told you, nay, PROVED to you that...

"You CAN Sit Down, Crack Your Knuckles
And Spit Out Readable, Useful Articles
That'll Get You
Paid Or Ranked In A Heartbeat
... And You'll Love Every Minute Of It!"

Best part is... You DON'T have to have any special talent or insane work discipline to do get those 400 (or more) word articles FLOWING from you without much effort.

You don't even have to be a great writer. Even if you make a grammar or spelling mistake (hey, I'm not a role model either), these articles will be HEAPS better than most of what's out there.

Thousands of people have already applied my techniques and are now making money as in-demand ghostwriters or building their own passive income streams.

See for yourself!

"These EXACT Tactics Got Me From $2 Per Hour...
To $60 Per Hour As A Ghostwriter
And Took All The Frustration Out Of The Process!"

Chances are, if you follow Internet Marketing blogs, read articles and forums - you've read something written by me.

I've written thousands of articles, and along the way...

... I stumbled upon few little known secrets that I developed into a full-blown article writing SYSTEM.

Here's What I Do:

  1. Open my 3 special research sites
  2. Use my "skim and grab" research technique to find your 3 main points (takes just about a minute)
  3. Outline each main point with two "sub points" (another minute here)
  4. Use the "opening paragraph" template to quickly create the first paragraph (about 30 seconds)
  5. Use the "main point" template to write paragraphs for each of your three main points (2-4 minutes total time)
  6. Use the "conclusion paragraph" template to quickly create the conclusion (another 30 seconds)
  7. Proof read your article, and voila! You're done (1-2 minutes)

The cool thing about using these templates and techniques is that you never have to pause to think... yet... there's still enough leeway for each article to come out 100% unique and of highest quality.

And by the way... This has NOTHING to do with plagiarism.

You'll be spewing out quality articles that'll put you on the map as an in-demand ghostwriter, or let you build and rank your own empire of sites.

"7 Minute Article System
A Complete Blueprint To Creating
As Much CONTENT As You Need
... Even If Right Now, You're Struggling To Write One Article Per Day!"

Here's what's important.

You're getting every tip, technique and secret that allowed me to quit my job and make $60 per hour as a ghostwriter.

How would you like to be able to write as many articles as you want... without spending hours and hours researching and spinning your wheels?

If you'd like to march in there, write and be out by the noon... this how you do it!

By the way... The complete article writing system IS NOT all you're getting!

"#1 - How To Turn 1 Article Into 8 Almost Effortlessly!"

As a ghostwriter, I'd often find myself writing several articles around the same keyword or topic.


So here's what I did...

I went out and researched how to present the same information in different, unique ways. That's when I stumbled upon the 8 different presentation styles, which are...

  1. Straightforward Style
  2. FAQ Style
  3. Quiz Style
  4. Step by Step Style
  5. Checklist Style
  6. Mistakes Style
  7. Story Style
  8. Profession Style

What I discovered was by combining my 7 minute article writing formula with each of these presentation styles... I could...

... Instantly turn 1 article into 8 - without breaking a sweat.

You know what this means, right?

You only have to do research one time!

Don't get me wrong... this does take a little bit more work than using an article spinner. But have you ever gotten any decent quality out of one of those things?

"Most BUYERS Actually Prefer The "1 Article Into 8" Technique OVER The 7 Minute Technique"

Surprisingly, that's true.

People told me things like:

"You won't believe it Jason, but I cut my article writing time down from an hour to under 15 minutes the very first time I tried your system. But my favorite part of your ebook was your special report on turning 1 article into 8. I've never seen anything like it!"

Not only do I explain each of the 8 presentation styles to you, I give you actual real world examples of how I take 1 article and turn it into 8.

That's right - there's no theory, no fluff. Just meat and potatoes on how to actually accomplish stuff.

And you know what? You'll get step-by-step explanation how to do that both in written PDF as well as in the videos.

"#2 - How To Use A Sneaky NLP Tactic
To Go Into An Article Writing Frenzy"

One time I wrote for six hours straight... and enjoyed almost every minute of the process.

How's that possible?

It's all about what you focus on and what feelings you anchor to writing.

By using a special "neuro linguistic programming" technology, I was able to instantly put myself into a writing frenzy... no matter what!

And you can do that too - in three EASY steps. That's all that it takes!

Warning: this technique is not for the squeamish.

I guess you could even call it "brainwashing." But I'd say you already brainwash yourself to feel a certain way about writing articles. Why not manipulate it so writing articles always brings you pleasure?

Now you can.

It works like this. Before changing negative associations toward writing, you first clear your mind of them. Now you have a "clean slate."

The next step is to associate massive pleasure with article writing. I have some simple questions and exercises you can perform to do that. This by itself will automatically make you a more productive and a better writer.

The final trick is to "Time Fold" so 1 hour feels like ten minutes. Don't worry, I'll show you how to do that as well.

Now here's the kicker: The first few times you do this NLP technique, it takes about 2-10 minutes. But after you do it a couple of times, it'll become "anchored." Then it only takes a few seconds to assume this "article writing" state at will.

Look, if a dog can learn how to do it (Pavlov) then you can learn how to do it, too.

"#3. How to Use To Flush
Out Hundreds of Irresistible Article

If there's one thing I've learned while building my online business.. It's that the single most important thing about your article is the headline.

Did you know that...

4 out of 5 people will use only your headline to determine whether they're going to read your article?

Crazy, right?

The article could be the most brilliant piece of journalism ever created, but if your headline sucks... Nobody will read it!

Until now, it took most people years to get good at creating click-pulling headlines.

However... You'll take advantage of my little trick of using proven headlines to MULTIPLY clicks your articles are getting - or to get eager, repeat clients as a ghostwriter.

And heck, I'm just gonna reveal what I'm doing right here. Even if you decide not to take this opportunity, remember this and apply to your articles NOW - you'll be glad you did.

So what you do is...

Take existing headlines from, twist and bend them a little by matching them to your content, and there you go - a proven to work headline in seconds!

You'll be effortlessly creating traffic-magnet-headlines like these in seconds!

And if you watch the special video inside about using to create sparkling headlines, you'll learn quite a few extra tips and tricks that I couldn't include here - because then this would be a lot longer!

"#4, 5 & 6. Mystery Bonuses!"

I have several other little article marketing techniques and tools I've used over the years, and I've put each of these in their own report. So if you say yes today, I'll throw in three "mystery" bonuses.

What are they? Hmm... If I told you it wouldn't be a mystery, would it?

Suffice to say that they're POWERFUL enough to be sold on their own right - yet you're getting them completely FREE if you're getting the "7 Minute Article System".

"I've Been Dubbed 'Crazy Jason'
By Other Ghostwriters,
Threatened And Called Names...
Just Because I'm
Giving This AWAY For So LITTLE!"

Here's the thing.

And this isn't going to be another one of these "because I want to help you," because frankly... in most cases, that's complete BS. I'd rather let my product help you first and then have you come back and say thanks.

I'm giving this away for a low price because it makes sense for my business.

If you buy this and are completely blown away by the value you're getting... it means you'll do more business with me, right?

And because I'm 100% certain (and thousands of customers have agreed) that this is the most valuable system on writing articles that they've come across...

I can afford to give this away for just $39.95.

"Get 65% More Done - In The Same Amount Of Time Or Less,
Enjoy Writing More And Drive Crazy Traffic
Using Your MAGNETIC Headlines!"

Think about it: how much money are you making with article marketing now? Well, what if you could get 65% more done with article marketing in the same amount of time?

I'm no Einstein, but even if you're only make $30 a week with article marketing, it'd take you about a week to recoup your initial investment... and two weeks to turn a profit.

Now, if you're making something like $1,000-$2,000 a month, then you can more than double that figure... and that's just from the main "How to Write an Article in 7 Minutes" report.

What if you also enjoyed writing articles more?

Not only would you profit financially, but the value of actually feeling good when you're working is worth more than any amount of money on God's green earth. That's what you'll learn with the "frenzy mindstate" NLP technique.

Finally, what if you used my headline technique to get 33% more people reading each of your articles?

The fact is, any single trick in itself is more than enough to make you five to ten times your investment back... in just a few days!

And when you combine all these tricks together... Well, I'll let you do the math on that one.

My "Double Your Money Back" Guarantee!

If you don't cut your current article writing time down by at least 65% in less than one week, then not only will I refund every single cent of your purchase... I'll give you DOUBLE your money back.

All you have to do is show me three articles you've written using my simple "7 minute formula" and tell me honestly that it didn't at least increase your article writing speed by 65%... while still maintaining the same quality... and I will give you double your money back.

And of course if for any reason at all you are unsatisfied, you can always ask me for a refund -- no matter what -- and I'll promptly and quietly return every penny you paid in full.

"Here's Everything You Get"

"It's Time To Make A Decision -
Can You Afford To Pass
On These
Article Marketing Secrets?"

You could continue to struggle barely writing one article per day and not having enough time for anything else.

Forget about going out in the sun. Forget about taking a walk with your dog. And forget your family.

All you'll be doing day by day is slowly writing articles and digging up change in the couch when its time to buy food.

It doesn't have to be like that however.

You could double, triple and quadruple your results with half the effort.

You'll be in the zone, completely enjoying every minute you spend writing.

And after you're done with your articles for the day... you'll still have enough time to enjoy a pool. You'll have enough money to see what full tank of gas looks like. These things matter, right?

"Are You Ready?"

Yes Jason, Please Give Me INSTANT ACCESS So I, too, Can Write Articles In 7 Minutes or Less!

I Want To Download This Immediately Before The Price Goes Up!

I understand I'll be downloading your entire Article Marketing Package for just $39.95 when I act now!

I also realize I have nothing to lose, since you're generous enough to offer me a 30-day money-back guarantee if I don't make significant improvements in my article writing efforts.

Current Price As Of Wednesday, May 08, 2024: $39.95

Order with confidence on 100% secure servers.

Thing is...

You have to act now.

Because how much longer are you going to struggle, burn the midnight oil, and hate every minute you spend at your computer, trying to make it online?

If, on the other hand, you're ready to start earning a living... I say you must get this - even if you must dig your couch for loose change, turn in soda cans, skip a few lattes.. Do this!

Click the add to cart button and instantly start creating kick-ass articles in less than 7 minutes!

To Your Success,
Jason Fladlien

P.S. Using these article marketing tactics, I was able to quit my job and make over $60 an hour as an Internet ghostwriter.

Besides that, it's also allowed me to launch entire businesses within the span of two days, and most importantly has taken all the frustration out of making money online. It's made my whole business run a LOT smoother. Would you like to do the same? It's possible if you order today!

P.P.S. One more very important thing. In case you're STILL on the fence about this, I'm going to throw in a 30-day money back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied in anyway, I'll gladly refund your money - no questions asked! That's how confident I am that this system will take your Internet Marketing business to the next it has mine!! So what are you waiting for...order today!